Four Underage Rohingyas are being investigated by Military council

Four underage Rohingyas are being investigated by the military council for action in Maungdaw Township

Rakhine Daily reports that the military council is conducting an investigation to take action against four under-aged Rohingya who illegally crossed the border from Bangladesh into Ngan Chaung Village Maungdaw Township, Rakhine State.

The four Rohingya who are being inquired are 16-year-old Mamat Owais, 14-year-old Furu Jinna, 13-year-old Rufama and 9-year-old Sophia.

The four Rohingyas arrived in the village of Ngan Chaung on the afternoon of October 22 and are returning to reunite with their parents. The Rakhine Daily reported that the village administrator and his team had reported their return to the village from Bangladesh side to the relevant Local Police Station, and investigations are being carried out to take action.

In 2017, the Rohingyas from Rakhine State fled to Bangladesh in large numbers due to the Myanmar army’s genocide. The remaining Rohingya in Rakhine state continue to face oppression by the military council and are often arrested and detained under various headings of the military council without freedom of travel and movement.

Rohingyas returning from Bangladesh to Myanmar are often arrested by the military council, including those who went to work in Bangladesh as well as those who were displaced by the army’s clearance operation in August 2017.

Ref: (credit- Photo: Social Media
Credit -The Arakan Express News )

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