Second wave of “Genocide” on Rohingya in Arakan

This is the image of Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar in 2017 / photo courtesy: Ishrat Bi Bi

1) After the Myanmar military forcibly conscripted Rohingya youths, the Arakan Army (AA) also compelled Rohingya youths to join them. Both groups will deploy Rohingya on the battlefield, leading to Rohingyas fighting each other at the frontline?

2) Both the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) are using Rohingya villages as battlefields. We can’t even count how many Rohingya have been killed in the shelling or died and abducted while running to save their lives.

3) According to the situation on the ground for the Rohingya, both the Junta & the Arakan Army (AA) are not complying with the provisional measures ordered by the Int’l Court of Justice (ICJ). They both violate International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

4) Denying the identity of the Rohingya and labelling them as “Bengali” is a serious violation of human rights. If this basic human right isn’t respected, the future of the Rohingya are at a significant risk.

5) On April 17, the Arakan Army (AA) abducted 5 Rohingya civilians from Tha Yet Oak village in Maungdaw. Their dead bodies were discovered on April 22. AA has restricted the villagers from retrieving the bodies.

6) Everyday, Rohingya on the ground inform us that the Arakan Army (AA) has been abducting innocent Rohingya villagers. Frequently, they also loot and rob their properties. While AA leaders may say one thing, the ground reality tells another story.

7) Another round of genocide is underway. Both the Junta and the Arakan Army (AA) are committing serious crimes against the Rohingya. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) should order additional provisional measures.

8. The curfew hours, announced by the Arakan Army (AA), from 7 pm to 6 am, constitute arbitrary detention. If they aim to protect the Rohingya, they should refrain from using Rohingya villages as battlefields.

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